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Scientific plant paintings are studied in all the details of the plant that is intended to be drawn and painted in a way that is entirely in keeping with the truth and science. As much as it is a branch of art, it is also a branch of science. Plants are studied, recognized and observed in all aspects before they are pictured. All observed details are transferred to the picture in a measured and proportionate manner, as in reality.
The distinctive or important parts of plants may differ from each other. In some plants the leaf shape or texture is characteristic, while in others the root structure may be important. This is why important parts of the well-known plant can be examined more closely by magnifying the magnifying glass, as well as a closer drawing from the main picture. It will also change again in which season plants manifest themselves better, which is why long-term observation and deep scientific knowledge are often required in plant drawings.
Scientific plant paintings have been introduced in particular for the purpose of thorough medical and scientific examination and archiving of plants. Although cameras appear over time, paintings remain important because not all the details of the plant from the photo can be clearly captured simultaneously. Photographs can also be exploited in drawings, though. Let’s get to know this re-popularized branch of art and science a little more closely.
People began learning about the world of plants and painting it in ancient times. They painted in ancient Egypt, Greece, Mesopotamia, Rome and the Far East to recognize toxic plants and use them for treatment. Of course, in the early and middle ages, these drawings were seen as stone embosses and manuscripts. As time progresses, books about nature increase, especially after the Renaissance period. With the acceleration of discoveries in the 16th and 17th Centuries, new plant species are beginning to be recognised and systematically recorded. As new plants are discovered and know-how is established, botanical science is evolving, and so is the scientific classification system. So the painting of plants takes on scientific importance, and books about natural sciences are made by botanists.
In fact, Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus published “Genera Plantarum” in 1737. This book houses International Naming Codes for Algae, fungi and plants and refers to the starting point for naming most plant groups. 1
Botanical artists of this period painted plants and flowers, while they began to draw according to the Linneaus classification system based on the reproductive organs of plants, with an emphasis on the botanical characteristic of the plant.2
One of the most important and productive figures who drew according to Linneaus’ system (drawing system based on scientific observation and emphasizing the botanical character of the plant) at that time (1700s) was Georg Dionysius Ehret. Ehret, a traveling gardener, spent his free time drawing flowers in the garden of Karlsburg Castle; especially tulips and hyacinths from Istanbul. After that, he met Carl Linnaeus and worked with him for a long time. Together they work on the book, in which they describe and depict plants scientifically.
Source: Johann Jakob Haid – University of Straasbourg
Besides Georg Dionysius Ehret, Sidney Parkinson, Francis Bauer, Ferdinand Bauer and Walter Hood Fitch are among the most important plant painters in history.
In the 19th century, with the discovery of the camera, these machines also began to be used in botanical painting. In cases where it is not possible to transport the plant, important plant species are taken and tried to be examined. But this is by no means a substitute for plant painting, because photos can capture only that moment of the plant, not reveal its seasonal or vital cycle. In addition, not all the details of the plant can be captured with the same degree of clarity in the photo frames. For this reason, scientific plant painting has never been completely relegated to the background.
Although plant painting was used as an ornament on objects, mainly palace plants, during the Ottoman period, it was used for the first time in a scientific sense in the Republican Period by Prof. Dr. Nebahat Yakar presents his 3-volume work “Atlas of Colorful Turkish Plants”. After that, it gained momentum again towards the end of the 2000s and many successful names grew up.
Some of these names are names such as Gülnur Ekşi, Işık Güner and Hülya Korkmaz. These scientific plant painters have been so successful that they have been awarded international prizes for their works. For example, Gülnur Eksi has won a total of 5 gold and 1 silver medals in both competitions in different years between 2009 and 2015 organized every year in the UK by the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) and Botanical Images of Scotland (DECOT).4 These talented names who are educated in this regard make Turkey catch the world in the field of scientific plant painting and bring medals to our country in this field. At the same time, these names also contribute to the education of new plant painters by providing education in this field.
No matter how much technology develops, the importance and popularity of scientific plant paintings never seems to diminish. In fact, every day that goes by, it’s going to be appreciated and embraced, and new painters are going to catch up… One of the places that teaches in this area is the Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanic Garden. Those who are interested can get an education from this precious botanical garden and become one of the next generation of scientific plant painters of Turkey and participate in studies on this subject. Of course, one should not lose sight that this precious space is too scientific and too much work to be just a hobby.
- https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genera_Plantarum
- https://acikradyo.com.tr/botanitopya/bitki-ressamliginin-tarihi-uzerine-ii
- https://www.dunyabizim.com/alinti/bilimsel-bitki-ressamligi-tarihi-ve-onemi-h43775.html
- http://www.turktarim.gov.tr/Haber/365/doganin-resimdeki-en-gercek-hali-bilimsel-bitki-ressamligi